Monday, February 8, 2010

ON STEWARDSHIP... Here's one insight that came as a new light to me as I was reading through "Your First Job" by Nelson Dy. It was from the answer of BJ Sebastian (Corporate Planning Director of JG Summit) as he was interviewed by the author on how he's maintain such trust that his bosses at JG Summit has put upon him especially regarding the company funds: "Stewardship is not just about being faithful, it's also about being skillful. Even if you don't have much, if you put yourself in the hands of God, then He can do a lot. If He gave you abilities, then by all means use them. You have to be skillful in what you do. So if you're already a good manager, be a better one. If you're already a good finance person, then study more, keep yourself at the cutting edge... So you have to do your homework."